Friday, September 3, 2010

Not alot to say tonight. My mother's still in the hospital. I spent thirty minutes with my beading and didn't get a single bead sewn on tonight. How frustrating!I thought the Rachel Maddow show was going to be on tonight but instead "Lock Up" was on MSNBC. I hear a bird chirping. It must be that little field sparrow that practically lives in my feeder. My dad is watching something on TV. He went to see my mother in the hospital. We had spinach pie for dinner. I had cottage cheese and Turkish tea for lunch and Cheerios and four cups of coffee for breakfast. I'm about to take my medicine for tonight and read the New York Times amd wait until the medicine kicks in. I don't know what my dad is watching but he likes to watch CNBC, the financial channel. His Internet connection is messed up so last night he came in my room wanting to check the Georgia lottery. He got the numbers and wrote them down. There's that bird again. It has a really pretty song. I also saw many hummingbirds today from the breakfast room. There's that bird again! I just took my night medicine. A car just went down the street near our house. There's that bird again it's a crazy night bird. If my mother was home she'd be watching Anderson Cooper on CNN right around now. She gets up at 5:30 in the morning in the rehab place she's in, Spain Rehab. She does three hours of physical therapy a day. She had to go to the rehab place after falling in the bathroom and my dad had to call 911. That was a bad night for all three of us. There's that bird again! It's time to wrap up this post it's longer than I meant to post I said I didn't have alot to say tonight but it's turned out to be a pretty long post about birds and food I haven't posted much in the way of news today. It's Kindle time and screensaver time. It's 9:00 and time to go to bed and read. It's still Ramadan for Muslims I need to call the local Muslims at the local mosque and get information about the open house they're having all through the month. Now the bird has stopped chirping all I hear is the television downstairs but I think he's coming upstairs in a little while to go to bed and read. That's what I'm about to do. He just shut the door in his room so he's gone to bed. Good night from the blogosphere! Good night to my feathered friends as well, I'll see them tomorrow! Birds don't read blogs but I'll say good night to them as well.

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