Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tonight I watched a little of the Rachel Maddow show. We had Chinese food for dinner. I hear a bird chirping. My parents saw a green hummingbird today. I think it was a broadbilled hummingbird. There's that bird again! My mother is watching some news show on CNN. There's that bird chirping again. I read chapter 9 in my book this afternoon. We don't have broadbilled hummingbirds here in this area. It might have been a Calliope's hummingbird they are green too. Rachel talked about the BP spill in the Gulf and all the barrels of oil in the Gulf. They are claiming that the oil is gone. I had to take the beads out of my Pakistani blouse today but I have three threads threaded for tomrrow. My dad has gone to bed now. A ruby throated hummingbird does live in this area and it's green. There's that bird again. I went to my art class this afternoon and finished a flower on my Pakistani blouse. There's that bird again. There's a crow out there now it sounds like one. Good night from the blogosphere!

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