Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Brown pelicans are the state bird of Louisiana. Unfortunately, they are now getting soaked in oil, according to an article in the New York Times. They sre soaked with crude. We need to do something about our use of oil. BP should pay for the cleanup of the oil spill. The oil well is a mile below the surface. Earlier I watched the Queen's speech on the BBC. She opened Parliament today the pomp and ceremony with that ancient tradition is really pretty and interesting. Shrimp fishermen are stuffing their catches into coolers in hopes of having some in store if in fact their season is over. There is a guy named Coke in Jamaica who is a drug lord but he's popular with the poor people in Jamaica. Seven million gallons of oil have been released by the oil well beneath the Gulf. They are using a clean-up method called Top Kill BP is planning to use and they hope that will stop the leak tomorrow. I think the coast of my state Alabama is getting some of the spill but I'm not sure. I just got an email from my Catholic list asking me to pray for people in Jamaica people are dying there it's like war. States all over are having a hard time with their budgets so are we. We are having a hard time with four mayors in the last year here in Birmingham. It's time to end this post and drink my Coke and go to bed I'm really tired. They're cutting state budgets for the arts in Georgia the House voted to end financing for the Georgia Council for the Arts. That's really bad news. It's time to watch my screensaver and clean up my computer God knows how many emails are in my inbox now I'm getting Spring emails from people in my Shire it's getting bad they are cutting trees in Madagascar The trees are rosewood trees and in the past year they've been cutting them down. It's time to get my Kindle and lie down and read until my medicine kicks in. I just took my medicine now it's time to read until my pills get into my system. There is an annoying bug in here I'm going to try and kill it we have a terrible ant problem now it's time to end this post and call it a night. Good night from the blogosphere!

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