Friday, March 19, 2010

Tonight I watched the Rachel Maddow show. I think I missed a skating show but you can't watch everything you want to watch. We went to T.J. Maxx today and got a skirt. I'm getting ready to check my email and go to bed. It's a Friday in Lent so I didn't eat meat tonight, I ate some spinach pie and drank some milk. I spilled the milk and had to clean it up. When I woke up this morning a noisy construction site was making all sorts of noise. I read some more of Greg Mortenson's book "Stones to Schools" on the way to and from the store and I'm going to finish it soon. I knitted some while I was watching Rachel and am almost through with a hotmat for my parents. It's time to say my prayers and call it a night, I'm pretty tired what with all the rushing I did today. The vote on health care reform is coming up and I'm tired of getting emails from Organizing for America asking me to write Congress and tell my Congressman to vote yes. It's a waste of time because he's opposed to the bill and nothing will get him to vote yes on the bill.

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